Welcome and Congratulations!

Welcome and Congratulations!

You've taken the first step to financial well-being.

I’ll supply the tools, accountability, and resources.

I'll supply the tools, accountability, and resources.

You're here because you are ready to...

It's Time to Stop Worrying

Are you concerned that you don’t manage your money well or try to avoid thinking about it altogether?  Do you hate that feeling of intimidation when people talk about finances, benefits, retirement, and more because you’re just not sure what some of it means?  It’s no wonder – so very few of us have had any financial education. And I bet you are too busy with work, school, kids, and life to learning it on your own. I get it! I’m Susan, I’m a money coach and I’m here to help you stop worrying, take control of your money and create the life you deserve. It’s time – you’ve waited long enough!


Peace of mind is possible! I team up with motivated individuals  and couples who want to connect with their money to increase financial well-being. Is that you? Click below and let’s get started! Custom packages are also available.


Workshops and presentations are a great way to provide real value to your employees or members. May be tailored to specific topics or an overview of personal finance strategies and best practices.


With more than twenty-five years working in the for- profit and not-for-profit sectors, I’ve enjoyed being part of the teams helping businesses navigate challenges and improve efficiencies and outcomes. I’d be happy to discuss!



Peace of mind is possible! I team up with motivated individuals and couples who want to connect with their money to increase financial well-being. Is that you? Click below and let’s get started! Custom packages are also available. 


Workshops are a great way to provide value to your employees or members. May be tailored to specific topics or provide an overview of personal finance strategies and best practices.


With more than twenty-five years working in the for- profit and not-for-profit sectors, I’ve enjoyed being part of the teams helping businesses navigate challenges and improve efficiencies and outcomes. I’d be happy to discuss further!

Want More Info?

I get it!  Head on over to the FAQ page and you’ll find the guidance to make the decision that’s right for you.

Free Consultation Call

Let’s talk! Please find a convenient time for you on my calendar to get started. Progress is intentional. Let’s get going!

“It takes as much energy to wish as it does to plan.”

- Eleanor Roosevelt

My Story

In this location you’d share about who you are and how you became a financial coach. This would also be a good place to talk about your personal life.

It needs to be interesting but not too long. Make sure that it is written in your voice and that the messaging lines up with who you are as a financial coach. Have fun with it.



My Story

In this location you’d share about who you are and how you became a financial coach. This would also be a good place to talk about your personal life.

It needs to be interesting but not too long. Make sure that it is written in your voice and that the messaging lines up with who you are as a financial coach. Have fun with it.



End The Paycheck-To-Paycheck Cycle.

Sign up for the Mind Your Money, LLC newsletter below.  Reduce financial stress by taking action NOW! 


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